
User management is controlled through Azure Active Directory (AD).

If the Azure AD is managed by your company, please contact your company IT support to add/remove user access.

By default, new users added to the SHIELD user group are unassigned access rights. An administrator is required to assign the correct level of access before the user will be able to log in.

Add Users

To add new users, their Azure AD profile must be added to the SHIELD access group configured within Company Configuration settings. This is managed by the SHIELD host company.

Remove Users

To permanently remove user access, the Azure AD profile must be removed from the SHIELD access group.

Block Users

To temporarily block user access, an administrator is required to log in and set the user access level to “Unassigned”.

Set user access level
Set user access level

Change/Set User Access Level

To assign user access level, an administrator is required to log in and set the correct user access level. By default, a user is assigned to “unassigned” which will not allow the user to log in until an access level is set.

Administrator should set the users access level and click “Save” next to the user to confirm. Access level updates may take up to 30 second to become active. If the user still does not have the correct access levels, it is recommend to log out and log back in to reset access rights.

Change user access level
Change user access level

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